Showing posts with label harmonics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harmonics. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Using Harmonics To Play Guitar Chords | G Major

In a previous Guitar Chord a Day post we introduced the idea of playing guitar chords with harmonics.

Today's guitar chord is a simple G major triad. This can be played in two positions using harmonics, firstly play this chord with harmonics by lightly resting your finger touching the strings over the 12th fret, once you've plucked them you can remove your left hand to let them ring.
Guitar harmonics chords G major
The 12th fret is exactly half way between the bridge and nut of your guitar. Harmonics played here are the same pitch as the fretted note, so harmonics at the 12th fret will have the same pitch as fretting a note at the 12th fret.

We can also play a G major triad using harmonics at the 5th fret.
Guitar chord harmonics G

Guitar chord harmonics G

Guitar harmonics have a beautiful chime like sound and are a simple way to add some tonal variation to common chords.

Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A minor 9 guitar chord harmonics

Continuing our occasional series of playing guitar chords with natural harmonics, today's Guitar Chord of the Day is A minor 9.
A minor9 Guitar Chord
Guitar Chords With Harmonics Aminor9

Mixing fretted notes and guitar harmonics is a great way to add some more tonal color to your guitar chords.
Minor 9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, b3, 5, b7, 9
A minor 9 uses the notes: A, C, E, G, B

Tune up and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day

Sunday, June 13, 2010

C Major 9 Guitar Chord Harmonics

Continuing our occasional series of playing guitar chords with natural harmonics, today's Guitar Chord of the Day is C Major 9.

C Major 9 Guitar Harmonics Chord
Cmaj9 Guitar Harmonics Chord

Play the guitar's bottom E string with your little finger while lightly resting your first finger on the D, G, B and E strings of the guitar.

Major 9 guitar chords can be replace major 7th chords replacing chords I and IV chords in major keys.
Major 9 guitar chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

The C Major 9 guitar chord uses the notes: C, E, G, B, D
Our C Major 9 chord uses the notes in this order: C, D, G, B, E

Learn a new guitar chord every day by subscribing to the RSS feed - tune up and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day

Friday, May 28, 2010

E 69 Guitar Chord Harmonics

Following on from yesterday's Guitar Chord of the Day that introduced the idea of mixing fretted and harmonic notes to make nice sounding guitar chords, today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E69.
E69 Guitar Chord Harmonics
E69 Guitar Chord Harmonics

Fret the D and G strings as normal on the 6th fret while lightly resting your finger(s) on the string of the guitar's B and E strings just above the fret to play this chord.

We've looked at other 69 Guitar Chords here and other Guitar Harmonics Chords here, but remember you can use the labels on the right as a chord dictionary.

69 chords can be played in place of major chords. It can replace chords I, IV and V in major keys.
69 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9
E69 uses the notes: E, G#, B, C#, F#
Today's guitar chord uses the notes in this order: E, G#, C#, F#, B

Subscribe to the RSS feed tune up and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

E add 9 - Guitar Harmonics

Today we start a new occasional mini-series on Guitar Chords that mix fretted notes and harmonics , today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E add9.

Mixing fretted notes and guitar harmonics is a great way to add some more tonal color to your guitar chords. As mentioned in our previous post on guitar harmonics chords, the harmonics are indicated by the diamond shapes and are played by resting your finger lightly on the string and removing it once the string is sounding.
E add9 Guitar Chord Harmonics
Guitar Chords with harmonics Eadd9

The two harmonics on the 12th fret above are both played with the little finger.

Add 9 chords can replace almost all major chords. It can replace chords I , IV and V in major keys.
Add 9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 9
E add9 uses the notes: E, G#, B, F#
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: E, G#, B, F#, B, E

Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guitar Harmonics Chords | B minor

In a previous Guitar Chord a Day post we introduced the idea of playing guitar chords with harmonics.
Bm Harmonics Guitar Chord
Guitar chord harmonics B minor

Today's guitar chord is a simple B minor triad. Play this chord with harmonics by lightly resting your finger touching the strings over the 7th fret, once you've plucked them you can remove your left hand to let them ring.

Guitar harmonics have a beautiful chime like sound and are a simple way to add some tonal variation to common chords.

Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day

Friday, May 7, 2010

Guitar Harmonics Chords | D Major

Playing the natural harmonics on the guitar creates a beautiful chime like sound. Usually guitar harmonics are played as part of solos but we can also play a number of chords just from the natural harmonics of the guitar.

To play natural harmonics, rest your finger lightly above the fret. Today's guitar chord of the day is a D Major chord played only with harmonics. This can work well when substituted for an ordinary D Major chord at the end of song or in a break.

Rest your finger lightly above the 7th fret of the guitar and play the D, G and B strings with your right hand.

D Major Harmonics Guitar Chord
Guitar chord harmonics D major

Harmonics only occur on certain locations on the fretboard, in this case the notes of the harmonics (A, F# and D) are the same for the harmonics at the 7th fret and the fretted notes but this is not always the case.

Playing some chords with harmonics can add an interesting twist to your rhythm playing. In some future posts we'll look at further guitar harmonic chords and chords that mix harmonics and ordinary fretted notes. Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day