Showing posts with label 13th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13th. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blues Guitar Chords: Chord Scale

Today's guitar chord of the day post takes a different turn and includes eight guitar chords! We've looked at some of these chord inversions but this post puts them in a new context.

All of the chords presented are inversions or extensions of C7, so can be played in place of C7 in a blues progression. The interesting thing about this progression is that the top note of the series of chords plays through a C Mixolydian Scale.

The first is a C7 chord with a C root note on top

C7 Blues guitar chord

The second chord is a C9 chord with the 9th, D on top.

C9 Blues guitar chord

The third chord is a C7 chord with the 3rd, E on top.

C7 Blues guitar chord

The fourth chord is a C11 chord with the 11th, F on top.

C11 Blues guitar chord

The fifth chord is a C9 chord with the 5th, G on top.

C9 Blues guitar chord

The sixth chord is a C13 chord with the 13th, A on top.

C13 blues guitar chord

The seventh chord is a C7 chord with the 7th, Bb on top.

C7 blues guitar chord

The final chord is a C7 chord with the root note, C on top.

C7 blues guitar chord

As we can play any one of these chords in place of a regular C7 we can play melodies with our rhythm parts - this sounds much more interesting than playing just one inversion for an extended period of time. Try linking these together and making up your own combinations of these chords and tune in tomorrow for another guitar chord of the day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blues Guitar Chords: D13

Today's guitar chord of the day, continues our series of Blues Guitar Chords: D13.

13th chords and it can be played in place of most 7th chords (also known as dominant chords, or dominant 7th chords).
D13 Blues guitar chord

This chord is moveable and has its root note on the B string (indicated by the black box in the chord diagram). This chord is fingered by playing the root note on the B string with your middle finger, your first finger on the A string, your 3rd finger on the D string and little finger on the G string.
D13 Guitar chord

Blues typically follows a 12 bar pattern based around Dominant 7th Chords:

||: A7  |  D7  |  A7  |  A7  |  D7  |  D7  |  A7  |  A7  |  E7  |  D7  |  A7  |  E7  :||

Mix up today's chord of the day with previous Blues guitar chords when you play through the 12 bar progression and tune in tomorrow for another guitar chord of the day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

D13 Guitar Chord

Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is D13. 13th chords together with 9th chords are really great for playing through blues progressions. Try playing through a regular blues progression using these Blues Guitar Chords in place of regular 7th chords.
D13 Guitar Chord
D13 Guitar Chord

Here's the fingering for this chord shape:
D13 guitar chord

You can find more inversions here:
D13 uses the notes: D, F#, A, C, E, G, B
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: D, F#, C, E, B

Tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day